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At 16 years of age, our Grandpa, James Baird, went to work with his father, who had established Baird and Co. at the first public stockyards in Vancouver at the foot of Fraser Street.


Our Grandpa started feeding cattle with his father in the late 1940’s early 1950s at a farm on Steveston Highway in Richmond. He met our Grandma when she arrived from Kenora, Ontario and they were married in 1953.   They bought a ranch a few miles out of Cache Creek towards Clinton, where they ranched for 3 years.  While raising three young children, there were long days of feeding cattle, growing crops, and fixing fences all the while with no running water or electricity.  They sold it in 1961, when Jim Baird partnered with Doug and Mary Stewart, to operate a feedlot in Richmond again. Jim Baird was also hired as a cattle buyer for Canada Packers.


In 1962 Grandpa & Grandma moved through the tunnel, with their now 4 kids, built their home on River Road in Ladner, and became part of the Ladner community.  They raised their kids on this farm in Ladner and loved the community and the life-long friendships they created.  As grandkids, all 13 of us spent a lot of time here, and have so many good memories.


The Baird Family has owned and lived on the South Surrey farm since the 60s. The Stewarts sold the Richmond feedlot in 1964 and bought the old flax plant on 8th Avenue and 172nd Street in Surrey. Border Feedlot was built, and cattle have been fed there for six decades. 


Grandpa partnered with Joe and Linda Volidka in 1970 to expand J&L Meats in Ladner.  The business moved to Cloverdale in 1974, where 10 years later it expanded, to be B.C.’s largest beef packer.


Grandpa bought land from Douglas Lake Ranch in 1986 and built the feedlot in Merritt. Cattle were fed there for 24 years. Our Grandpa’s life was the Cattle Business, as his fathers before him.  He negotiated business on his word and a handshake.  He had honesty, integrity, and outstanding knowledge of Cattle.


The farm is now run by Jim's Grandsons, the 4th generation. You can find them and their children, the 5th generation, on the farm doing everything from caring for the animals to delivering manure orders. We are proud to still be here on the family farm doing what he loved. We've moved the farm store to our family home from Ladner to South Surrey and opened up a new farm store.


Our Purpose: 

To continue our family history in the cattle business, and to be able to experience the way of life that our grandparents worked so hard to provide for our family.


Our Mission: 

To honour the life and legacy of Jim and Joan Baird, and the life we had with them, and because of them.





five generations



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NoW at our New Location in south surrey


Farm Gate Store: OPENING SUMMER 2025

Soil + Manure Pickup: Daily 10 - 4 (please call ahead)

CONTACT US Store 604.946.6687

Manure  604.868.3372

17256 8 Ave, Surrey, BC
V3Z 9R5 Canada

© Baird Cattle Co. 2022
Proudly designed by Jacinta Creative

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